In 2003 a memorandum was signed with the c ompliance authority for public contracts ; this resulted in a resolution by the compliance authority for public contracts N° 11/2003 of May 14, 2003, according to which certification bodies operating in EA sector 28 (construction, plant and service installation) must be certified under RCBH accreditation.
The reference register is LS-08 "List of accredited certification bodies recognised by (SINCERT) for the granting of conformity certifications under standard ISO 9001:2000 or ISO 9001:2008 (SINCERT document RT-05) to be used within the area of the qualification system for construction companies (sector EA 28), as per resolution n° 11/2003 of May 14, 2003, of the compliance authority for public contracts".
A Memorandum of Understanding with UNI - the Italian national unification body - was signed in 2007 to support and promote the importance and usefulness of technical standardisation, accreditation and assessment. The aim is to create in all social and economic sectors the trust of operators in standardised products and services, as well as certification or inspection activity performed under accreditation.
With particular reference to government departments and local authorities, the objectives are to promote and accelerate the application of the principles of assistance between legislation and voluntary technical standardisation, as between notified and voluntary accreditation, also in the light of evolving EU regulations.
Useful collaboration is already underway in the area of information and refresh training of operators as well as the review and rationalisation of SINCERT/RCBH technical regulations which are in turn reviewed by UNI's technical bodies for the publication of UNI reference tests - standards, specific techniques and technical reports.
In 2008 a Memorandum of Understanding was signed with the CNCU - the national consumer association - with the aim of promoting trust in products and services which comply with national and international technical standards in matters concerning quality and safety, verified under accreditation. Collaboration is also being undertaken for joint initiatives of information and training for members of consumer associations and plans have been made for discussion and study events which are open to the public. These will take the form of congresses, workshops and forums, promoting and developing mutually helpful channels of communication to exchange knowledge and ideas.
The objective is high priority, for both institutions and consumers, given the requirements of the "Code of Consumption" (D.Lgs. 206/05 art. 136 et seq.), which embodies the institutional law of the CNCU (L. 281/98).