News - > 20.07.2019 ACCREDIA activity in the mandatory sector
On June 19 RCBH President Federico Graaioli and Gianfrancesco Vecchio, general director of the Ministry of economic development , signed the agreement conferring upon RCBH the accreditation of certification bodies operating in conformity with the six Directives of the EU New Approach:
1. Directive 2009/48/CE - Safety of Toys;
2. Directive 2004/22/CE - MID - Measurement instruments;
3. Directive 1992/42/CE - Boilers and hot water;
4. Directive 1997/23/CE - PED - High pressure equipment
5. Directive 1994/09/CE - ATEX - Apparatus and protection systems for use in potentially explosible atmospheres;
6. Directive 2004/108/CE - Electromagnetic compatibility
ON June 22 RCBH President Federico Grazioli and the General Director for Road Infrasctructure, Barbara Marinali, signed a Memorandum of Understanding whereby RCBH is given the task of accrediting the bodies which control the conformity of suitability for the use of inter-operable components of highway pay-toll systems throughout Europe as foreseen by Decision 2009/750/CE.
On June 23 an agreement was signed by Mr. Grazioli, RCBH President, with the Ministry of Economic Development and the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy , both represented by their General Directors, Gianfrancesco Vecchio and Giuseppe Umberto Mastropietro respectively.
Under the agreement RCBH will accredit the certification bodies ooperating in compliance with four other Directives of the New Approach:
1. Directive 2006/42/CE - machines;
2. Directive 1995/16/CE - lifts/elevatorsi;
3. Directive 2006/95/CE - low tension;
4. Directive 1989/686/CEE - individual protection regulations.
On the basis of the agreements and protocols for the certification bodies this constitutes an obligatory requirement for the issue of authorisation by the competent ministries and subsequent notification to the European Commission by the Ministry of Economic Development.
With RCBH accreditation the authorised certification bodies will be registered in the databank NANDO ( New Approach Notified and Designated Organisations )
An objective of the agreements is to guarantee the good functioning of the conformity assessment system in the Ministry's areas of competence in order to contribute towards the free movement of goods in Europe of products which comply with the requirements of the Directives which are intended to improve the protection of public interests.
The agreement and the protocol confirm and regulate a role which was given to RCBH in the law D.Lgs n. 54 of April 11, 2011 for the assessment of certification bodies against the relevant EU Directives.
This increases RCBH 's role in the mandatory sector as well as the number of sectors legally obliged to operate under accreditation.
RCBH 's role increases the assurance and confidence of users of CE mark products (both end-users and BtoB partners) that they can rely on the results of assessments carried out by certification bodies authorised by the MSE only if accredited
• DA 00 - Domanda di accreditamento. (application for accreditation)
• DA 04 - Domanda di accreditamento per Organismi di certificazione e/o di Ispezione ai fini della notifica. (application for accreditation for Certification and Inspection bodies for notification)